Harriet, A Chicken For All Seasons

chickens-motives Harriet chicken and Harvy rabbit, both being pookas (Celtic mythology) know each other well. They sometimes visit homes and farms alone or at time join together on their visiting of farms and homes. At 6 foot 3-1/2 inches tall, Harriet and Harvy are not to ignored or neglected.
It is said that only a few special selected gardeners will ever see either of them.

McMurray hatchery
McMurray hatchery Blog
I am not affiliated with nor do I recommend one hatchery over another. But with that said McMurray hatchery and their blog will provide you with a wonderful guide to different breeds and a very nice set of pictures to help you decide what breed(s) you would like to raise.
First things first. You have a few basic decisions. Not the least of these considerations is what breed and how many chickens do I ‘Need and Want’ in you chicken flock.

Bantams Chicks are often called the flower garden of the poultry world, Bantams are miniature chickens, usually one-fourth to one-fifth the size of standard varieties. Because of their many different types and assortments of color patterns, raising bantams is one of today’s most popular hobbies. Little is known of the origin of bantams although they are believed to have come from the Orient.

Bantams are good layers of smallish usually brown tinted eggs. They are generally quiet and easy to handle.
The only thing negative I can say about Bantams is that many Bantam breeds are prone to go broody. However if you collect eggs 2 times a day, morning and late evening, they are not as likely to go broody and want to hatch a clutch of new chicks.

Brown Egg Layers/Heavy Breeds birds are all heavy body types and lay various shades of brown eggs. Generally speaking, due to their larger size these birds will do better in colder climates and lay more consistently during the cold weather.
Barred Rocks
Speckled Sussex
Black Australorps
Light Brahmas
Turkens – Naked Necks
Black Giants
New Hampshire Reds
Partridge Rocks
White Orpingtons
Buff Orpingtons
White Rocks
Buff Rocks
White Giants
Columbian Wyandottes
Rhode Island Reds
White Wyandottes
Dark Cornish
Silver Laced Wyandottes

brooder2- Before you order or buy chicks, have your brooder setup and ready for your new chicks.
Brooding and growing chicks University of Missouri Extension. Has an excellent fact sheet about brooding your new chicks.
Sexing Day Old Chicks

If you are going to have a small number of chicks a homemade/improvised brooder may be all that you need. I have seen many things recycled into brooders. Everything from old aquariums, plastic and card board box and made from scratch wood and wire brooders. They all have one thing in common, they keep your chicks confined to a rather small area where you can provide a heat source to keep them warm and dry.

Hint: Wire in a light dimmer switch to your heat lamp. Use this to control your heat source for your brooder.

DIY Hatching Eggs

First Came The Egg Then Chicks!

Free Chicken Coop Plans and Brooder Designs And Plans

Don’t let your eyes over load your needs for laying hens. One chicken will lay 1 egg about every 27 hours, so that is 6 or 7 eggs a week. A 4 hen flock will supply you with 2 dozen eggs a week! How many eggs do you and your family ‘Really’ eat in a weeks time?

Q. Do I need a Rooster?
A. Only if you have a need for fertilized eggs to hatch replacement chicks.
Be kind to your neighbors, hens are generally quiet and easy to handle.
Roosters may start crowing as early as 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning, disturbing you and your neighbors precious sleep time.

chicken ears Q. What color eggs will my hens lay?
A. Don’t laugh, look at your chickens ear, if her ear is brown-ish she will lay brown eggs and chickens with white-ish ears will lay white eggs.

Late addition: Best Liver Recipe Ever Thanks to The No-Fail Recipe Blog
1/4 pound liver, per-person sliced
1/2 an onion, chopped
1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
6 cloves fresh garlic, chopped
2/3 cup sour cream
3 tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper to taste
a dash of olive oil
1. Saute onions, garlic, mushrooms, and butter in a skillet over medium high heat until onions appear translucent.
2. In a separate skillet, carefully brown the liver slices in a dash of olive oil over medium heat. Turn carefully and brown the other side. Turn off heat and carefully set aside.
3. Mix in a bowl the sour cream, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper. Add to the skillet with the onions, etc. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Throw the liver out to the dogs.
Sit down, and enjoy the fresh hot mushroom sauce over pasta or rice.

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9 responses to “Harriet, A Chicken For All Seasons

  1. Reblogged this on ohineedwax and commented:
    Ready to get some chickens?


  2. I lost one of my chickens once; eventually found her fast asleep in the laundry basket atop the clothes.


    • Re georgewoodman – Thanks for taking time to visit my tiny blog and for your comment(s)
      🙂 my egg production really dropped off last summer. Cleaning the hen house I found about 4 dozen or so eggs in a old uncovered rabbit nest box on a high shelf. Removing that rabbit nest box restored my normal egg production.

      Happy gardening and enjoy your poultry flock.


  3. Nikki Jane Brewer Jones

    Very interesting fact about the colour of the chicken’s ear and the egg colour.I never knew that…thankyou!


  4. Again such useful information!!


  5. I used to have chickens (and minks and raccoons). Kind of miss the chickens.


  6. Kept hens at my last house in England and miss them, the eggs and their slug-eating prowess in the garden!


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