2,000 Gallons Water Produces 1 Pound of Almonds

California supplies about 80% of the United States almonds, and dedicates 80 million gallons, of water to grow Almond crops.
To grow one almond requires 1.1 gallons of water, and to grow a pound of Almonds takes 1,900 gallons of water. Walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and cashews all use roughly the same amount of water to grow.

Ten percent of California’s water is guzzled up by almonds.

10 responses to “2,000 Gallons Water Produces 1 Pound of Almonds

  1. We have planted hazelnuts around our property for 20 years. We get a pretty good crop now (couple of shopping bags, with shells and husks on). This keeps me busy during the winter, cracking the nuts while watching movies on dark, cold night. So far I have about a half gallon bag of nuts to add to winter meals. West Virginia has lots of water to put into nuts – Oscar


  2. Plants use a lot of water, but at least recycle it into the hydrological process but sending it back into the air, or plant material (vegetables, grain, nuts, fiber). Some (sun flowers, etc.) are great at extracting toxic elements from the soil along with the water, thereby making the soil better for other crops. As with most agricultural products, the question becomes one of distribution of the air, water, and soil nutrients that provide for a health, and sustainable crop. As is often the case, one’s small investment in these resources does not consider the lager affect on the region (depletion of the soil, resevoirs/aquifers, etc. We have four hazelnut bushes producing currently, and several others in early growth phases. – Oscar


  3. I’m sorry, but this is fake news Pobept. My grandfather was a nut farmer, almonds and walnuts – I grew up on his ranch. He watered maybe two times a year, a night’s flooding from the river. Nuts are FOOD.

    You shouldn’t report stuff you don’t know for a fact. Making a claim like this just makes all of us bloggers look like idiots.

    Juanita, Peace out and no, I won’t let the screen door hit me on the ass

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Going Batty in Wales

    Thank you for the info Pobept. That is a LOT of water! I love almonds but will now think twice about eating them. Especially as hazel nuts grow well here with no irrigation. I would like to say I can grow my own but the squirrels get them before I can!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Shouldn’t be too surprising since, at least here in Texas, the best nut trees (specifically pecans) grow in the floodplains of creeks, streams, and rivers. P.S – totally agree with “ephesians 413”. We just moved my husbands cousin from Arkansas to Central Texas. She had a gorgeous place on a river in Arkanasas and loved watching canoers, hikers, etc. enjoy the river and it’s many moods. Now it’s moods have been stifled since Nestle builet a water bottling plant upstream. Bummer!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Crazy, but what should they do? Is there a better way? On the one hand, of course they desperately need water, but on the other hand they also depend on agriculture. I think it’s also absurd that water bottling companies are allowed to pump water out of the aquifers and I believe that I have read somewhere that they have been pumping more than they were allowed. We don’t need so much bottled water. For most of us, a good filter and a reusable container works just fine.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Grin.. I have never known of anyone starving from lack of access to nuts.

      Using 1,900 gallons of water to produce one pound of almonds = 20,265 twelve ounce bottles of water.

      75 percent of California was classified as desert/semi-desert before man diverted water to make the desert bloom.

      My question is, does the consumption of bottled water ‘really’ increase the amount of water drawn from under ground aquifers?

      Happy gardening


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