Brain Dead Politicians And Government Bureaucrats

Source Minnesota legislators renaming Asian carp
Not being Politically Correct, I will call these people what they are. All American Idiots!

A troublesome fish known as Asian carp may get a new name in Minnesota over concern that the current name casts people from Asian cultures in a negative light. What a load of Politically Correct crap

village idiot The Village Idiot, Senator John Hoffman Is proposing a bill in the Legislature would require the Department of Natural Resources to refer to the fish as “invasive carp,” a reference to the threat the non-native fish pose to Mississippi River-area ecosystems.

The truth is Asian carp Cindy Kolar a fish biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Said “The name actually describes two closely related fish, the bighead carp and silver carp, that are native to a region of Asia spanning China, part of Siberia and North Korea. Since their introduction to the United States about 30 years ago, they have become a threat to native fish including those in the Great Lakes, Minnesota and elsewhere.

Is there anything needing renamed?
What about the German Brown carp?
German Brown trout?
Africanized honey bee? (AKA Killer bee)
English House sparrow?
Alaskan crab?
Canadian goose?
Russian thistle (AKA Tumble weed)?

Do You Have Any suggestions to add to this list of things, insects, animals or fish that need re-naming?

freedom-flag Don’t forget to proudly display your American Flag on May 5, 2014 National Freedom Day

Not from the USA Please leave me comment about your home town and country.

Why is common sense so uncommon?
Don’t be Shy. Leave me your Comment(s)

8 responses to “Brain Dead Politicians And Government Bureaucrats

  1. Guess they have nothing better to do eh? I still shock my kids when I tell them some of the things I used to say when I was a kid!


  2. I feel bad stating that I’m a Minnesotan… obviously our legislators don’t have anything better to do! I laughed when I saw the news report last night… maybe if the fish was “cute and cuddly” the Asian community wouldn’t feel so bad about it 🙂 I’m still going to call it an “Asian Carp” no matter what our legislators change it’s name to… the whole thing is so stupid and is a complete waste of time; political grandstanding to our Asian community-lame attempt at gaining votes come next election! We call it an “Asian Carp” because it’s native to Asia, not because it has squinty eyes and a predilection to fortune cookies!


    • Re absupertramp Thanks for taking time to visit my little blog and for your comment(s)
      I agree with you. It’s nothing more than an effort to gain ‘Asian’ decent voters next election cycle.
      Happy Gardening


  3. What are the Canadian Geese doing?


  4. Hmm..there’s another one from the Philippines, they call it Monkey-Eating Eagle and the Rainbow Trout. My daughter said it’s grossed the monkey eating the eagle, she couldn’t find the rainbow in the trout…hahaha


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