Tiny Vegetables In My Tiny Garden

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this will be a 4 thousand word posting.

So far this year I have not had to abandoned my tiny garden to the 105+ degree days, our on going drought nor have the grass hoppers that eat everything to the ground last year arrived ‘yet’.

2012 new garden plot

First year gardening in this plot

My tiny farm with my tiny garden is located in what has been for the past 50 or so years wheat growing land and later was a cow pasture. This land only has about 1 or 2 inches of useable top soil that thinly covers 25 feet of very tight black and red layered clay soil.

My first cucumber

Several cucumber vines are blooming and I have one cucumber that in a few days will find it’s way into a fresh salad.

Two tiny yellow squash

It you strain your eyes you can find two tiny squash hidden away under the leaf’s of this squash vine.

Pepper plant has started to produce.

So far this is the only pepper plant that has germinated and grown to a size large enough to bloom. On my next trip to town I will buy a six pack of hot peppers to add to my tiny garden.

As is normal for southwest Oklahoma, the past week we have had an unrelenting south and southwest winds 15 to 30 mph. The dry wind is beginning to take it’s toll on my young tender garden plantings.

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12 responses to “Tiny Vegetables In My Tiny Garden

  1. Pingback: Yes, You Can Enjoy Country Gardening…Even if You Don’t Like Dirt | Freelance Blog Writing

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s always lovely to discover someone else in another part of the world bravely battling with the elements. I wish we had some dry conditions here on Sherkin Island, off the south west coast of Cork, Ireland. Rain, rain, rain…but so what’s new!


  3. Greetings from Cleveland, OH! How’s it going in Oklahoma? We started our first raised garden bed this year, a 6′ x 16′ bed. We have had bad luck with our cucumbers, as we started them from seed indoors and they are having a hard time staying alive now that they are in the garden. We had to replant more seeds directly in the garden, so we hope they come up. Our weather is starting to get warmer, but with warmer temperatures for us, that means more rain, and lots of it. It rained so hard last year that our neighbor lost his entire garden to toooooo much rain, and he had to replant everything, so we hope it does not do that this year. I really love your blog and always can’t wait for your next post! Keep up the good work! Val


    • Re: Nikitaland – Thank you for finding time to visit my humble babbling that I call my blog
      Grinning … I lost a garden to to much rain one time that was 1952 ‘I think’…
      Happy gardening


  4. Sounds like moisture conservation could be an issue. Perhaps you’d consider this http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/newspaper-mulch-zmaz80mjzraw.aspx. I don’t know if weeds are much of a problem but keeping the roots juicy will certainly help your yield.

    From the pics it seems like you are out in the wide open. Effective pollination might also be a topic to consider.

    Nice blog, good reading.


    • As for pollination, I have read that planting flowers around your garden attracts the bees and it helps the vegetables pollinate well.


      • Re: Nikitaland
        A quick side note, I am planting some dill, bachelor buttons, petunia and marigolds scattered around my tiny garden today in hopes of attracting bees and hummingbirds.
        I hope you can soon tell me your cucumber vines have recovered from transplant shock and are blooming.
        Happy summer garden


  5. On the West side of Texas we are also struggling with drought and high winds most days. The Farmers are trying to plant their summer crops, but they just seem to be making a dust storm as they go through the field. Try Drip irrigation under a heavy mulch and cover with fiberglass screen wire to help lower the temperature. This help tomato to continue to set blooms.


    • Re: whyilovewesttexas
      Thanks for the visit to my tiny little blog.
      Yes, a drip system is in the making stages, but I’m holding off on installing it until I get a bit more mulch / compost worked into the area that I want to install the drip rows in. I have also acquired a neat little multi-day water control timer to allow me to set what day(s) and the length of time I want to operate my drip system for an almost hands off watering system.


  6. It was interesting for me to see the weather conditions that you are working under in southwest Oklahoma to grow your veggies. I have 2 tiny allotments in Brisbane Australia and we have really hot and humid days in the summer, combined with heavy rain. This means we can grow squash, peppers and cucumbers too, but due to the humidity they can quickly succumb to mould diseases. The leaves on your plants look so healthy, no white mould. We are now in autumn over here and it’s our best growing season for veggies as the cooler weather sets in, and it’s much more pleasant to be gardening in 20 – 25c degrees after the heat of the summer. Best wishes from Brisbane.


    • Re; Allotment adventures with Jean , Hi and thanks for taking time to visit my little blog.
      Grinning, mold and other fungus diseases are seldom a problem here, {no slugs either!} just to dry for them to develop. Heavy mulching is helpful to retain moisture and then is a good soil builder when tilled into the soil in late fall or early winter.

      Happy gardening


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