Cabbage Is Not A Dirty Word – It’s Wunderbar

fresh cabbage OK, OK, you can stop making that ugly face. Properly prepared, cabbage taste good and is good for you. The secret mama never told you is, Do Not over cook your cabbage. Sliced / diced in slaw or in a fresh garden salad.
Wilt your sliced cabbage in a covered pan with 3 or 4 slices of diced and fried bacon, drain off excess bacon fat. Again I say, Bacon fat is not a dirty word! Don’t over cook your cabbage. It should be wilted but still retaining a bit of it’s crunch. Not soggy or cook into a mush.
Course slice / dice a few cabbage leafs to add to soups and stews.
Use sliced cabbage when making stir fried vegetables.

Of course you can ferment cabbage in a strong salt brine to make sauerkraut I prefer cabbage processed into ‘fresh’ kraut. Soaked for a few hours in a bath of 1/2 salt brine and 1/2 white vinegar. Depending on your taste you may want to rinse the salt and vinegar off of your fresh kraut in cold water, drying well. Serve warm or cold.

Cabbage is a cool weather early spring and does well as a Fall planting. This vegetable that is easy to grow.
For Spring planting I recommend that you buy transplants from a local grower. Fall plantings, I think it’s best to plant seed directly into your garden soil. Cabbage is easy to grow from seed. Plan to plant seedlings out early. 4 weeks before the last expected frost date sow yourcabbage seeds indoors, 1/4 inch deep. Keep seedlings soil slightly damp, Not Wet. When your daytime temperatures reach 50°F and seedlings have three leaves, plant them in your garden. Cabbage germinates in about 5 to 7 days.
Hint Cabbage seed properly stored will remain viable for 5 years.

Cabbage likes full sun but can tolerate light shade. Light shade can be beneficial in warm weather. Cabbage can tolerate light frost. Tender leaves inside the head can be damaged by hard freezes while the outer leaves appear unaffected.

Cabbage prefers a well drained, fertile soil high in organic matter, pH 6.0 to 7.5. It can tolerate slightly alkaline soil. Cabbage is heavy feeder and also needs plentiful, consistent moisture. Fertilize with a good general purpose fertilizer like 13-13-13 or even a 10-5-5 works well.

Cabbage plants have shallow root systems. Avoid cultivation near your plants root zone. Mulch to reduce weeds and to protect it’s roots, and conserve soil moisture.

When cabbage heads are mature, they are prone to splitting in response to a rain following a dry period. Avoid splitting by choosing varieties that resist splitting, spacing plants close together 8 to 12 inches for early varieties, 12 to 16 inches for later varieties.

Jersey Wakefield
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Gonzales produces a small 4 to 6 inch head and is quick to mature in only [about] 65 days. Gonzales is a good choice for gardeners with limited space and for small families.

Cabbage Pest Cabbage Worms And Loopers

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18 responses to “Cabbage Is Not A Dirty Word – It’s Wunderbar

  1. My favorite varieties to grow are Red Rock Mammoth (I’ve grown heads in SoCal that weigh up to 5 lbs.) and Stonehead, which is green (grows tightly packed heads up to at least 4 lbs.). We eat cabbage steamed, fried, in chicken soup, and, of course, fresh in salads and slaw. Enjoyed your post. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Flat Creek Rolling and commented:
    I love cabbage so I thought this sounded pretty good. Thanks Town and Country Gardening.


  3. Homesteading101

    We’re of Ukrainian background. We can’t live without cabbage.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for taking time to visit my humble little blog and for your comment(s).
      With such a short growing season as in Ukraine, you are limited on the types of vegetables that will produce a crop.
      Happy Gardening


  4. Growing up cabbage was the only veges I liked to eat. Until my nana told me to be careful, because I used to have throat problem and she said it can trigger my infection. What do they know? But still, I did listened. Maybe it worked, I don’t know but no one can stop me from eating it. I love steaming big pieces of it and put steamed rice and sardines with fresh tomatoes and a piece of red chilies with my favorite soy sauce, roll it like a spring roll and voila! I’ve got my best meal of the day.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I married a German. We may not have lettuce in the refrigerator but we’re never without cabbage. I’ve learned to loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. As always, thanks for sharing your knowledge. I love cabbage – not grown any this year but looking forward to a crop later on…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. you are make me drool I love country fried cabbage, bacon onion and lots of wilted cabbage, a little salt and pepper. I then add buttered egg noodles and some pork chops and call this one of my families favorite dinners! we even can cabbage for soup stock… love it !

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have a ham hoch on the boil. When the meat falls off the bone 1/2 the meat and most of the stock will be bottled and stored in the ice box to flavor a pot of soup or a big pot of beans. Whats left will be used to sweat down a head of cabbage. Mmmm cabbage and ham hoch…
      Happy gardening

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great post. Thanks for reminding us of the humble cabbage. We don’t have a lot of success with any brassicas in our garden, but we continue to try.

    One of my newly discovered and now favourite recipes is a red cabbage slaw. It simply has shredded red cabbage and red onion, chopped mint leaves and chilli, mixed in a bowl, and then dressed with olive oil, a pinch or two of salt and lemon juice.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. We love cabbage in any of its many forms and recipes. It makes a great substitute (and probably healthier one) for lettuce when the price of lettuce goes through the roof. It’s a very good food for flavour and health.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Grin .. when any of the Cole family, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and such are ‘over’ cooked late in the cooking process they form a chemical mix that has the smell of rotten eggs. And that I think is why many people don’t like Cabbage!
      I have 3 slices of bacon to fry and a head of cabbage to cook 🙂
      Happy Gardening

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