Summer – BBQ and Grilled Vegetables

vegetables It’s summer grilling season. Time to grill garden fresh vegetables to accompany your burned hotdogs, burgers, pork chops and steak.
Vegetables that you don’t grill use them to make garden fresh salads.

You can grill everything from Asparagus to Zucchini. Vegetables should be of consistent thickness and no more than about 3/4 to 1 inch thick. Hint Soak vegetables in cold water for about 30 minutes before you grill them to keep them from drying out. Pat dry, then brush with oil to prevent sticking. Use a good quality olive oil or homemade herb flavored oil.

Asparagus: Cut off ends. Soak in water for 30 minutes to an hour. Pat dry and brush with olive oil. Place on grill, turning every minute. Remove when tips start to turn brown. You can add some extra flavor to asparagus by mixing a little sesame oil in the olive oil before you brush them.

Bell Peppers: Cut through the middle of the pepper top to bottom. Remove stems, seeds and whitish ribs. Brush lightly with oil and grill for 2-3 minutes on each side. See Fire Roasted Peppers for more information.

Chili Peppers: Brush with oil. Grill whole on each side, 2-3 minutes. To reduce the heat, cut off the stems and pull out the seeds.

Corn on the cob: Gently pull back the husks but don’t remove. Remove the silk and cut off the very end. Soak in cold water for about 30 minutes. Dry and brush with butter. Fold the husks back down and tie or twist the ends. Place on grill for about 5 to 7 minutes. Turn to avoid burning.

Eggplant: Cut lengthwise for smaller eggplants or in disks top to bottom for larger eggplants. Soak in water for 30 minutes. Pat dry, brush with oil and grill 2-3 minutes.

Garlic: Take whole bulbs and cut off the root end. Brush with olive oil and place cut side down over a hot fire. Grill garlic bulbs for about 10 minutes or until the skin is brown.

Mushrooms: Rinse off dirt and pat dry. Brush with oil and grill. 4-5 minutes for small mushrooms, 6-8 minutes for larger mushrooms. Use a grill basket or topper for small mushrooms.

Onions: Remove skin and cut horizontally about 1/2 inch thick. Brush with oil and grill 3-4 minutes.

Potatoes: There are many ways to grill potatoes. Cut into wedges or potato slices, brush with olive oil, and grill until browned.

Tomatoes: Cut in half, top to bottom. Brush with a light coating of oil and grill cut side down 2-3 minutes.

Baked Potatoes: Wash thoroughly and dry. Rub with oil. Wrap in aluminum foil and grill 35-40 minutes, turning occasionally.

Zucchini and Small Squash: Slice 1/2 inch thickness. Brush with oil and grill 2-3 minutes per side. Small squash can be cut down the middle and grilling in halves.

Hint Quick and Easy Homemade Herb Oils. Heat the oil and herbs in a saucepan on medium-low heat to 160-165 degrees, let the oil cool. Brush on your grill ready vegetables. Caution Dispose of any unused herb oils. Herb oils can quickly become contaminated with unhealthy, unsafe bacteria.

beekeeperwife said “We also grill slices of carrot this way – if it is a fancy bbq then we mix a little honey with the oil and brush with that – delicious.”

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5 responses to “Summer – BBQ and Grilled Vegetables

  1. Reblogged this on This Got My Attention and commented:
    Short and sweet how to grill some delicious summer veggies!


  2. I will try corn on the cob your way this summer 🙂 I have always just put in on the grill straight off the plant.


  3. We also grill slices of carrot this way – if it is a fancy bbq then we mix a little honey with the oil and brush with that – delicious. Love summer.


  4. These are great tips! Thanks.


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