Tomato’s In Your Home Garden – ‘Again!’

Baxters Early Bush

Baxters Early Bush

It would be a challenge to find one Home Garden in America that does not have at least one tomato vine.
You will find them hanging upside down in pots and buckets, in containers of all sizes and descriptions, on porches and patios. You will find them in raised bed gardens, well and not so well maintained gardens every where.

You can find 700 or more if not thousands of different tomato varieties. Some are heirlooms many are hybrids coming in many different shapes, sizes, colors, bush and vine tomato’s. Some developed for special uses such as making tomato sauce.

The number one question I hear tomato growers ask is, Why are my tomato’s not setting fruit and dropping their blooms? Here are a few of the causes for small crops and bloom drop.

Source Tomato Pollination
Tomato Pollination. Pollen is shed with great abundance between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on dry, sunny days. To ensure better pollination, gently shake or vibrate the entire tomato plant.

Tomato’s like it warm, Not Hot. Optimum fruit set occurs within a very narrow night temperature range of between 60° F and 70° F. When tomato plants experience night temperatures lower than 55° F or above 75° F prevents normal fertilization. The pollen may even become sterile causing the blossoms to drop. High daytime temperatures, over 90 degrees, will cause tomato’s not to pollinate and lead to blossom drop.

Note about tomato pollination. Tomatoes are self fertile, but self pollinating?…only when conditions are ideal…they often need help. “Self pollinating” is one of the myths spread by tomato growers. Always clean pollinating tools thoroughly after use with 95% ethanol or 1/2 table spoon of chlorine bleach in 1 cup of warm soap water.

Source Age-Old Trick Increases Your Tomato Harvest
Use a cheap electric, battery powered toothbrush to pollinate your tomato’s. Turn on the toothbrush and gently and briefly touch it to the top of the petals or stem of the flower, or flower cluster. Do not touch it to the face of the flower. That’s all that is required. Spend a few seconds each time you visit the garden, the results will be worth your time and effort.

Bumble Bees are the best and most reliable insect pollinator of tomato’s. The common European honey bee is almost useless and seldom is able to pollinate tomato blossoms.

Some tomato varieties can handle cool damp weather or hot dry weather better than others. Do your homework and research what varieties do best under your normal weather conditions.

In my Tiny Garden, in Southwest Oklahoma our summers tend to be hot and dry. We have many days at or above 95 degrees and nights staying well into the high 70′ and low 80 degree temperatures. Not idea tomato growing conditions. Porter, improved porter and porter cherry, developed by a Texas tomato grower stands up well to our hot dry conditions as do many of the fast maturing cherry tomato varieties. It seems that smaller is better! Large type tomato’s like beefsteak, better-boy and so on often fail to produce a ‘good’ crop or sometimes any tomato’s in SW Oklahoma’s dry heat.

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4 responses to “Tomato’s In Your Home Garden – ‘Again!’

  1. Pingback: Tomato’s In Your Home Garden – ‘Again!’ | Denise Designed

  2. Reblogged this on denise designed and commented:
    I have planted quite a few tomato plants. As well, I have planted flowers in hopes that I could attract bees for better pollination. Great tips from this article.


  3. I’m in Arkansas so many summers my tomatoes stew on the vine with the heat. In six years, I’ve only had two pretty good crops. I move them every year (since I have a big property)and have found morning sun and afternoon shade produces the best. This year I’m going to try raised beds and use a shade screen over them during the real hot. A neighbor did that and it helped. We have to wait until after April 19 here to plant tomatoes but I just can’t wait to taste garden fresh again.


  4. I have to make sure my tomatoes are under cover (like under the deck roof) out of the rain or they’ll get that blight.


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